The last prayer session will be held at 9am at Beng Hock's residence in Alor Gajah, Melaka.
After that, we will depart from the residence at 10.45am, and tentatively arrive at the Nirvana Memorial Park in Semenyih at 12.30pm.
For those who would like to join the last prayer session, pls gather at Beng Hock's residence in Alor Gajah before 9am.
You may also pay your last respect to Beng Hock at Nirvana Memorial Park in Semenyih - gather there before 12pm.
More details to follow.
Map to Nirvana Memorial Park in Semenyih
[NOTE: There are two Nirvana in the map below. Pls follow the Nirvana Memorial Park - Kajang/Semenyih direction, NOT Nirvana Memorial Centre.]

Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih
Batu 6, Jalan Kachau,
43500 Semenyih,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 03-8723 0598 / 03-8723 0599
Fax: 03-8724 3704
Google Map
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We have forgotten who the enemy is. The enemy is not each other. The enemy is Barisan Nasional and the stooges of Barisan Nasional that include PDRM, MACC, SPR, the AG Chambers and the judiciary.
So let’s stop fighting each other. And let’s start fighting the real enemy. And stop dreaming of the ballot box. Vote today. Vote with your feet. And vote in large numbers.
‘Election Day’ starts tomorrow. And the ‘election timetable’ is as follows. Make sure you come out to ‘vote’.
Justice for Teoh Beng Hock events
19 July (Sunday)
4.30 pm: Justice for Beng Hock Solidarity Gathering (organized by Selangor state government)
Stadium Kelana Jaya
20 July (Monday)
10 am: Funeral Beng Hock’s family home, Alor Gajah
21 July (Tuesday)
10 am: Memorandum to Prime Minister to demand for Royal Commission of Inquiry (Pakatan Youth Wings)
PM’s Office, Putrajaya
21 July (Tuesday)
8 pm: Justice for Beng Hock Solidarity Gathering Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang, Jalan Utama, Penang
22 July (Wednesday)
8 pm: Justice for Beng Hock Solidarity Gathering Malacca DAP Headquarter
23 July (Thursday)
8 pm: Justice for Beng Hock Solidarity Gathering Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, KL
RIP brother and my sympathy and prayer to the family
Condolences to the family of Beng Hock. May the guilty never rest in peace. May God mete out the hardest punishment to the one who wronged Beng Hock. This is not a way such a young, upcoming dynamic future leader should go. Let us all wake up and realise that true reformation must happen here. We must not let his death be forgotten and go in vain. Once again, my deepest sympathy to his family. narin
May Beng Hock has a good rebirth.
Namo Amituofo
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