Beng Hock, you left me without saying any last words. You said we still have a lot of things to accomplish together, that we have not been to many places before. You said you will always walk this life together with me.
What should I do now? How can I see you again? I miss you, I have been thinking about you! I just want you to come back, come back to my side...
For the past few days I have been waiting for you, but you did not appear. I just want to know how are you now, are you in pain? Please do not let me wait for too long... I just want to see you just once... just once is good enough!
When all the crying cannot wake you up, I still cannot believe you have to leave me forever. No matter how much I do, we still have to say goodbye today. I promise you, I will live my life well. But you must stay by my side, you must be with me to bring up our child.
Beng Hock, although our destiny this life has ended, I hope that in the next life, we will continue our life together as husband and wife.
Please go in peace, I pray that you will find rest.
The eulogy delivered by Teoh Beng Hock's fiancee and mother of his unborn child at his funeral has been translated into English by a DAP member in Penang for those of us who can't read or understand Chinese. I aplogize if there are any substantial errors in the translation.
Berikut adalah eulogi tunang Teoh Beng Hock, Soh Cher Wei, yang diterjemahkan dari bahasa Cina. Kata-kata yang begitu menyayat hati telah diucapkan oleh Soh pada hari pengebumian Beng Hock pada 20 Julai 2009:
Beng Hock, kau tiba-tiba pergi tanpa sebarang pesan
Kau kata, masih banyak yang kita ingin lakukan bersama
Banyak lagi tempat yang sepatutnya kita kunjungi
Kau kata akan menemaniku sepanjang perjalanan hidup ini
Tapi apa yang harus ku lakukan sekarang?
Bagaimana dapat kita bertemu lagi?
Kau sentiasa di ingatanku
Aku selalu mengingatimu... aku mahu dikau kembali, muncul semula di pangkuanku... aku terlampau merinduimu..
Dalam beberapa hari ini, aku sentiasa menantimu
Tetapi ia sungguh mengecewakan... walaupun begitu banyak tangisan...
Kau tetap tidak bangun kembali... aku masih tidak dapat mempercayai kau sudah pergi untuk selamanya..
Aku hanya ingin tahu sama ada kau selamat, apakah kau menderita?
Jangan biarkan aku terus menunggu? Aku mahu menemuimu sekali lagi. Cukuplah walau sekali.
Bila titisan air mataku tidak dapat menghidupkan dirimu
Aku terpaksa menerima hakikat kau telah pergi buat selama-lamanya
Hari ini, aku masih perlu mengucapkan selamat tinggal
Aku berjanji, aku akan jalani kehidupan seadanya
Tetapi, kau mesti berjanji sentiasa di sisiku, dan kita bersama-sama membesarkan anak kita.
Beng Hock, perjalanan kita berdua dalam hidup ini sudah berakhir
Tetapi aku berharap, kalaulah ada kehidupan selepas ini, aku amat berharap kita dapat bersama-sama meneruskan perjalanan kita
Kekasihku, semoga dikau tenang di alam abadi.
Dearest Beng Hock,
We Malaysian dedicate this group for you (http://www.facebook.com/board.php?uid=106191220735#/group.php?gid=106191220735) on facebook. You will be surprise how many of us are moved by your legacy. You will be surprise how many of us become you! At this exact moment, we have NEARLY 14,000 members joining us to pay you a tribute! Beng Hock, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
2004-2006 PCMT的一位学弟-Peter
We, Malaysians owe you an apology for voted in a Federal Government that does not respect universal human value nor human decency.
We know it is very difficult for you as it is already heart-wrenching to us.
Still, please be strong in knowing fully well that though Beng Hock has indeed departed from us, yet his legacy shall forever live in our hearts.
God bless Beng Hock, God bless your child and God bless you too.
Stay calm and firm everyone, shall not let the murderer / "person involved" divert out our attention from the SUPER Palace @ Section 7, Shah Alam...
we LOVE you Beng Hock.. you'll FOREVER stay in our heart..
淑慧,明福的骤然离去,让人悲愤不已。读你的祭文,让人心酸落泪。 问世间情为何物,直叫人生死相许?你跟明福的情让我们对这句话有深刻的体会。 有你如此深的爱,明福是幸福的。他会时刻守护者你和孩子的。
为了明福,为了自己,为了你的孩子,你要坚强地活下去!!!!! 我们会支持你的......
人的一生都是注定的吗? 那明福的命运为何是这样? 难道他就注定要牺牲吗?
明福牺牲的时候,你我都在做什么? 为什么34岁的明福会为我们大家做这么多的事而我们却没有为他做任何事?? 等到他离开了,我们才醒觉吗?
今天我就做了一件事..一件从来我都没想去做的事..那就是登记成为选民, 我只希望不会再有下一个明福!!
今天朋友叫我看明福的youtube, 她问我为什么不会哭? 我没回答,但心里很明白..现在不是流泪的时候..而是想想我们该做些什么....我们不能让明福就这样白白牺牲!!
他和你我一样, 他也有父母, 他也有兄妹..难道他舍得就这样离开吗? 别忘了他还有一个深爱他的太太和一个未出世的小孩...我只想和淑慧和未出世的小孩说...你们不会孤单, 你们的先生和爸爸是永远活在大家的心里, 他是大家的英雄!!
Please be strong as these are challenging times for all Malaysian. At the end of the tunnel, there will be light again.
Be Strong
明福泉下有知,必定会赞同你一步一个脚印的活下去。他会谢谢你代替他照顾孩子。谢谢你曾让他 幸福。他会说:
淑慧, 这是一封迟来的豉励话语.
大家都不知道真像, 只望云开见明月.
来自: 沙登 Maggie
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